Our visiting PhD student, Brenda Ryan, is talking about her research at Maastricht University under the SOCRATES project. Click here to read more.

Among others, Bea was interviewed by Monique Simsen for the Dutch newspaper Trouw. She talked about the scientific relevance of body language in science and its importance in everyday communication. Click here to read the article.

Beatrice was interviewed by Pam Moore of the Washington Post. The interview discussed how to keep social contacts on the COVID-19 condition and why smiling still matters even hidden by a mask. Click here to read the article.

Beatrice was interviewed for the Better Life section of the weekly edition of the Volkskrant. The interview is about face recognition and revolves around one specific issue: are women better at remembering faces than men? Click here to read the article.

Beatrice was interviewed by Anne Baecher in the program "CQFD" by Radio Télévision Suisse (RTS) on the 16th of May. The interview, entitled “Le pourquoi de nos réactions face à une œuvre dʹart” ("The why of our reactions to a work of art"), revolves around questions regarding neuroscience, art and the body. To download the interview, please click here.

Minye Zhan broke down very relevant concepts of neuroscience in a chinese-written article, while also introducing her own work at the Brain and Emotion lab. To read the article, please click here (in Chinese).

Brain World magazine featured a past interview with the magazine regarding blindsight. For more information click here.

The study on the use of VR to treat domestic violence offencers has been featured in the tabloid newspaper Daily Mirror. This study is a collaboration between the University of Barcelona and the Brain and Emotion lab. To read the article, pease click here.

Sunday Times dedicated an article to our research on the relationship between emotional body language and race. Click here to read the article.

Bea was interviewed by the Spanish magazine Muy Interesante. Click here for the interview (in Spanish).

Bea was interviewed in an article about blindsight (in Spanish).

Bea was interviewed in the podcast "Only Human" by the WNYC radio.
Click here to listen to the full clip.

Article about the body and emotion relationship. Bea and Lisanne's muscle recording study is described.
Click here to read the article.

A study of a cortically-blind participant acting to eye gazes was listed by a Forbes article, as one of the top ten brain science and psychology studies of 2013 (See No. 3). This study is a collaborative study of Bea and Marco with Alan Pegna's group, published in The Journal of Neuroscience.
Click here to read the research article.

Article in nwt magazine (in Dutch) on prosopagnosia. Bea was invited to visit an art exhibition with work from American painter Chuck Close.
Click on the image to read the article. For more on the exhibition click here.
Article in Scientific American Mind (in English) on the edges of perception and blindsight.
Click here to read the article.
Article in Scientific American (in English) written by Beatrice on blindsight. The article is also published in Dutch, German and Japanese.
Click here to read the article. Click here for the Dutch version.
Article in EOS magazine (in Dutch) on prosopagnosia. Furthermore, an interview with Beatrice was published. Click here for the interview.
Click here to read the article.
Article in a local newspaper de Gelderland (in Dutch) on prosopagnosia.
Click here to read the article.
The Italian newspaper La Stampa article discussed the work of Marco Tamietto and Beatrice.
Click here to read the article.
An interview with Beatrice was published in the local university magazine Univers (in Dutch).
Click here to read the article.
Beatrice de Gelder was interviewed for the Nature Neuroscience Podcast on the 2010 Nature Reviews Neuroscience paper. You can listen the podcast here.
You can find an interview on prosopagnosia on Dutch Regional Public Radio. Besides this interview our research on prosopagnosia receives a lot of attention in the media.
The Plos One 2008 paper by Jan van der Stock and others is highlighted by Science Dailyand Noorderlicht (in Dutch). Click here to play.

The 2008 Current Biology paper on blindsight has received coverage in a wide variety of international news outlets. It was discussed in Nature News, Science News,National Public Radio, American Scientist, The Washington Post, The New York Times, New Scientist, Times Online, and in The Independent. Scientific American highlighted the 2009 PNAS paper by Marco Tamietto and others on blindsight.
The 2004 PNAS paper on how fear is spread by body language is discussed on the National Geographic website