The Facial Expressive Action Stimulus Test (FEAST)
The Brain and Emotion lab has developed a face and object recognition and memory battery of tests called "Face expressive Action Stimulus Test" (FEAST). This test consists of a number of subtests designed to provide a full picture of different aspects of face recognition ability. The subtests have been extensively described and validated on the occasion of prosopagnosia case reports. The FEAST consists of the following face and object perception and memory tests:
- Face-Body Compound task, a task measuring the influence of emotional faces and bodies on face identity matching.
- Emotional Face Memory task (FaMe-E), an emotionally expressive face memory task.
- Neutral Face Memory task (FaMe-N), face memory task with neutral faces.
- Face and objects matching test, used to assess configural perception and the inversion effect for faces and objects.
- Face and house part-to-whole matching test, used to assess feature-based processing.
- Facial expression matching task, to assess emotional recognition in faces.
To read more about these tasks, please click here.
Please contact Prof. Beatrice de Gelder to know more about the task and the stimuli.
You can find the link to an online Emotion and face recognition task using Caucasian FEAST stimuli here
You can find the link to an online Emotion and face recognition task using Japanese FEAST stimuli here
A shorter task version (15 min.) suitable for clinical populations including FEAST/BEAST stimuli can be found here